Friday, December 24, 2010

I am Victorious! ...Or not?

I've been levelling my warrior recently as kind of a breather from the heroic and battleground grind on my mage.

My warrior was my main during the Burning Crusade when Single-Minded Fury was the only spec for DPS until T6 equipment, and Titan's Grip did not exist.  When Wrath of the Lich King dropped, I was going to continue to level my warrior and have him as my main during the expansion.  However, I found that the lack of self-healing combined with no improvements in equipment was, to say the least, boring.  He quickly made it to level 72 and was then dropped in favor of my paladin.

First, I want to point out that dropping a warrior for a paladin "out of boredom" is probably one of the biggest "What the fuck?" moments in my World of Warcraft career.  I should have realized that the 3 button paladin specs would eventually leave a sour-taste in my mouth as I went through raiding.

I did level my warrior to 80 during Wrath of the Lich King and even attempted to start up some raiding with him in Naxxramas.  However, he didn't have many of the perks that I had acquired on my paladin.  No cold weather flying or dual speccing, no updated professions, and a lack of "utility," which to me just includes healing or crowd control options.

He was faction changed back and forth a couple times and generally ignored, sat in his level 70 gear and some questing / bought upgrades, and then collected a lot of dust all over his gnomish / tauren features.

So, when I faction changed him to a Worgen and decided to level him, to experience all the new changes that I had been hearing about, I was in a pretty bad spot.  He was old and slow now, unable to remember what buttons did what and when; His gear was pretty much rotting off his body, so out-of-date that his health was a measly 19k in his DPS set prior to setting out on the mercenary ship for Vasj'ir; and confused with the talent changes meant.

I am going to post more about my warrior as time passed, but I thought I would point out what I call a design flaw in the Protection tree.

Impending Victory is a talent I grabbed just out of interest in a couple of the new self-healing mechanics.  If you Devastate a creature at or below 20% health, you have a 50% chance to gain the Victorious buff, where you can then Victory Rush for 5% of your health.

So, one out of two Devastate hits on a raid mob below 20% health, I can heal myself? Not a bad concept at all.  However, the trouble lies while levelling.

When your protection warrior Devastates a target at or below 20% health and you gain the Victorious Buff, but you don't get to Victory Rush the target because it's died, you will gain two Victorious Buffs.  One of these buffs was gained through Impending Victory while the other was gained through traditional Victory Rush mechanics.

On the next target, when you are nearly forced to open with Victory Rush in order to use either of the buffs, you use Victory Rush once.  Both Victorious buffs are dropped and a green number flies onto the screen.  So I have a couple questions.

1.  Are my Victorious Buffs stacking? Am I getting the full 100% Victory Rush from killing the mob combined with the 5% Victory Rush from the Impending Victory proc?  If they are combining, then I have no qualms and this post was for nothing.

2.  If they are not stacking, what could be done? Could they be stacked? Or could Victory Rush be used twice, kind of like a Fingers of Frost model of charges? Could the Victorious Buff be changed from its current model into a stacking model, where every Devastate below 20% adds another stack or any honorable/experience kill adds a stack? That would create some serious new possibilities in any case.

Anyway, there's my two cents on what is potentially a flaw in the Warrior Protection tree.  More later as I level, and perhaps after my first instance tanked on my warrior since Heroic Ramparts was hard.

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